Support Us

There are various ways of providing financial support to the ministry area and churches.

There are also various different opportunities to volunteer within the ministry area, please contact one of the clergy or the administrator to find out about the current opportunities.

Online giving
It is possible to give to the ministry area or assign it to a specific church by using one of the links below. This can be a one off or monthly donation and if you are a UK tax payer please consider adding Gift Aid to your donation.

Please click the link for the relevant fund Ministry Area / St Agnes / St Theodore / St Michael / St Mary Centre / Holy Trinity / St Catharine

Direct Debit giving
The Church in Wales operates a direct debit scheme where the tax is reclaimed on people’s donations. All the donations along with the tax are sent to the ministry area on a monthly basis. The direct debit can be easily altered at the same website. This method is very efficient for both donor and the ministry area, especially for those who pay UK tax.
Click here for more details and to set up or alter a direct debit.

Standing Order giving
The church treasurers can provide you with details of the bank account if you wish to set up a standing order from your bank account. Having a regular standing order aids the ministry area with consistency of income. If you are a UK tax payer please consider using Gift Aid.

Weekly Envelope giving
The church treasurers can provide you with a set of weekly envelopes for you to provide you contribution to the church and ministry area when you come to church. By being numbered we can track those who have signed a Gift Aid declaration. By being dated it helps remind people to make their contribution every week.

Cash giving
Whenever there is a service in church there is opportunity to make a contribution in cash. If you are a UK tax payer please consider using one of the Gift Aid envelopes.

Contactless giving
In large services there is a contactless device available for people to make a donation to the ministry area or one of the churches. The device offers the option to Gift Aid the donation.

Gift Aid
HMRC will increase the value of all contributions to the ministry area by 25p in every pound where the donor has completed a Gift Aid declaration for the ministry area. This additional income is very important to assist the ministry area in continuing to provide mission and ministry in Port Talbot. You must pay sufficient UK tax.
You can download a Gift Aid declaration here
